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  • Avda de Andalucía, 2 y 4 Estepona (Málaga)

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence, is one of the most common problems in sexual medicine. It affects a high percentage of the male population, mainly starting at the age of 40.

Among the many causes that can cause erectile dysfunction we find hypertension, smoking, previous pelvic surgery, taking some kinds of medication, etc.

Psychological causes that require a multidisciplinary approach from our medical team and our psychologists are also frequent.

What is it specifically?

As a definition, we call Erectile Dysfunction the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection which is sufficient to perform in a satisfactory sexual relationship.

These would be some of the symptoms that may help you recognize it:

  • difficulty in achieving erection which is continued over time
  • the succession of weaker erections
  • constant erection loss when changing posture

In Spain, 19% of men over the age of 25 have impotence trouble; although this index increases significantly with age: from 14% of men between 40 and 50 years old to 49% of men between 60 and 70 years old.

Cardiovascular problems, cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes mellitus are diseases that frequently worsen with age. These ailments can cause a degeneration of the blood vessels of the penis and, with it, a greater difficulty to achieve erection.

On the other hand, unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol and drug use, lack of exercise, etc., contribute significantly to the development of erectile dysfunction.Certain drugs used for the treatment of medical conditions and surgery or radiation therapy for prostate, bladder, colon or rectum cancer may also be the cause of this pathology.


At Cenyt Hospital we perform a comprehensive diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction that begins with the medical interview for the elaboration of the patient’s medical history. This interview is accompanied by a medical examination and a simple blood test.

Each diagnosis, as well as the tests that the specialist considers necessary to carry through, are made in a personalized way according to each patient’s aims.

Among the diagnostic tests we perform are:

  • Doppler ultrasound for the vascular study of the penis
  • Record of nocturnal erections through the RigiScan test
  • Cavernosometry and Cavernosography
  • Intracavernous Injection Test (IIC)
  • Evaluations among the different specialists: cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, etc., in order to evaluate possible underlying causes.


The choice of treatment to treat Erectile Dysfunction will depend on each patient’s aim:

As a general rule, treatment usually starts with oral medication, very safe and effective. These are known as phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. This medication usually has quite satisfactory results, improving erection in 80% of the patients who use them.

For those patients who do not show improvement with oral medication, there is another drug, alprostadil, which is administered either through injections on one side of the penis or in the form of a suppository. In these cases, for patients who have used alprostadil as auto injection, the success rate is 85%.

Men who do not want to be treated with medication have the option of an external vacuum suction device. Using this device with proper instruction, it is possible to generate an erection. Once achieved, the erection is maintained with the help of a constriction ring at the base of the penis. This treatment allows functional erection in 75% of men.

At Cenyt Hospital, we also have one of the newest treatments for erectile dysfunction which is applying low intensity shock waves; a minimally invasive treatment that is achieving very good results for the treatment of impotence at international level.

Severe Erectile Dysfunction cases, whether due to illness, surgery or  Peyronie’s disease can resort to reconstructive prosthetic surgery. In this way, the patient reaches the erection thanks to the placement of a penile prosthesis. With this treatment a rate of satisfaction of 90% of all cases is achieved.

Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction, except prosthetic surgery, have a transient nature. Due to this, it is important that the patient regularly sees his doctor to see the evolution and possible alternatives in case the erection is not reached or is not satisfactory enough.

Control and personal monitoring by your doctor can be crucial in order to achieve your aim and enjoy your sex life.

Also check other problems related to male health such as: