• (+34) 952 80 81 00
  • Avda de Andalucía, 2 y 4 Estepona (Málaga)

Breast augmentation

The purpose of cosmetic breast augmentation surgery is to lend volume and firmness to small breasts, restore harmony and beauty to the female torso and increase the woman’s self-esteem and confidence.

Augmentation mammoplasty is suitable for women who wish to increase their bust by one or more sizes or correct defects of shape or volume disparity between one breast and the other, whether due to genetic or acquired causes.

Breast augmentation cosmetic surgery has extraordinary results and the surgeons, their experience and qualifications are key to the success of the intervention.

Preoperative Indications:

  • Complete analysis carried out.
  • If necessary, the surgeon will request ultrasound or mammograms.
  • Pre-anaesthetic cardiological study.
  • Do not take aspirin, do not smoke and suspend vitamin E at least ten days before surgery.

Type of anaesthesia: General.

Duration of the intervention: 1-2 hours.

Hospital stay: 24-48 hours.

After surgery: Three days after hospital discharge, the first follow-up consultation will be held and the type of bra – to be worn permanently for a month – discussed.

  • The stitches are removed 8-15 days post-operation.
  • The patient will need to be off work for between one and two weeks.
  • Strenuous sport should be avoided for a month.
  • The final results are evident at the end of the third month.


Do breast implants last a lifetime?

No, it is advisable to change the implants every ten years or so, since no permanent material currently exists.

Is it possible to breast feed with an implant?

Yes, they do not interfere with normal breastfeeding.

Do implants interfere with gynaecological check-ups?

No. Ultrasound and mammograms can be administered without any problem.

Should I go for check-ups after having breast implants?

Yes, in the first few weeks in accordance with the surgeon’s instructions, and then an annual check-up and ultrasound is advisable.  This check-up can be brought forward in cases where the patient notices any alteration of the breast, pain or discomfort.

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