Dr. Jorge Castilla Ruiz
Specialty: Traumatology and Orthopaedics Surgery
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Universidad de Granada (1973).
- Residency in the Orthopaedics Service at clínica de Navarra (1975) and Hospital Clínica Marbella (1978)specializing in Traumatology and Orthopaedics Surgery.
- Postgraduates in national and international hospitals.
Other professional merits:
- Assistance to many national and international seminars and conferences.
- Sociedad Andaluza de Traumatología y Ortopedia.
Most relevant publications:
- Principios de Neutralización de Placas en osteosíntesis. (Profesor Dr. R. Orozco)
- Asepsia en Cirugía, uso del Quirófano de Flujo Laminar Vertical. (Profesor Dr. R. Orozco)